Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Monday, June 9, 2008
Thirteen years and going strong!
Before you start reading this post be sure to click play on the playlist to your right. I couldn't figure out how to get it to autoplay. I had to post this song with this entry because WE LOVE IT! It describes Karl and I perfectly!
As I look back over the years of my life I am always left to wonder at all the amazing things my Father in Heaven has blessed me with.
-It starts with totally supportive parents who overcame a lot of things to make it to the temple to be sealed together.
-I have enjoyed Freedom and Prosperity my whole life.
-I live in a time when we think nothing of the miracle and convenience of electricity, running water, electric heat, air conditioning, telephones, cellphones, and flushing toilets that live right inside our homes!
-I have been blessed with the gospel around me from the time I was just young.
-I have been blessed with health.
-I have been relatively protected from the burdens of sickness, death, and loss that so many people seem to be constantly surrounded with.
-I have four beautiful, healthy, children that I have had the fortunate opportunity of spending lots of time with, making many happy memories!
-I have been extremely blessed to see many truly inspiring, things in this country that I love, things that have changed my heart and my outlook on life.
-I have been blessed to meet many, many giants that have touched my life and have opened my eyes to the true meaning and purpose of life.
-I have been privileged to have some of these giants stay in my life. They are my "kindred spirits".
-I have on several very special occasions felt Heavenly Fathers spirit witness to me that He is, and that He loves me very much.
-I have been blessed with time. Time to spend with my kids, time to spend with my family and friends, time to spend reading, learning, and growing, time to spend thinking and feeling.
I could continue on, and on, and on. The point is, I never cease to be amazed and humbled at the things that I have been so lovingly given by my Father in Heaven. I am always grateful. However, of all these things, the blessing that amazes me the most, the thing that, try as I may, I can never comprehend, is.....
The gift of a most amazing, devoted, intelligent, attractive, strong, and righteous man-
My Husband!
It has been 13 years ago today that I married you in the Manti temple for time and all eternity. I remember my feelings that day, feelings of excitement, hope, and dreams for our future together. I remember feeling like the luckiest girl on earth.
After 13 years of marriage I now know that I am the luckiest girl on earth!
When I married you it seemed that 13 years of marriage would just never come. It just didn't seem like that much time would ever elapse. I say that with a little chuckle. I now realize that time doesn't just click by, it is very sneaky and when we're not watching it flies very quickly forward. I'm grateful for time however quickly it goes! It now seems as if I can't remember a time that I have ever not loved you and I look forward to much more time to love you!
There is a Scripture that describes what you are to me: "...Ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people."
How I could love you this much, I don't know!
But, I do!
Happy 13th Anniversay
With an Eternal Love,
Posted by Amy at 8:56 AM 4 comments
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Greenhalgh Reunion on the West Desert
Well if any of you have been wondering where in the world I have been, we left last Wednesday for our annual "Chick" family reunion. It was out on the West Desert this year and with the exception of the bugs we had a great time.
My beautiful mom! Happy Birthday Mom!
Uncle Chase with Luke!
This is my Uncle Pete, graciously showing us his "Duh" look, one more time for the camera!
LOL Thanks Uncle Pete!
Here is Grandma Kathryn with Charity!
Kenzi with her little sidekick, Charity!
Here is Grandpa "Chick" with my dad in the background.
Here are a few of the fun times we had:
Believe it or not this is an OLD grader we found almost at the very top of a mountain.
Mine Exploring!
There are old mines all over up there. This particular cave went back quite a ways. Chase and I were not very brave and so were at the very back of the crowd. When they got to the end of the mine shaft and seen the bat, needles to say, we were the first one out!
Star Gazing was fun! The sky was so clear! We were wishing we had our telescope.
Last, but definitely not least, was the hunting that was going on:
Now for the major league hunting expeditions:
Jax spent 90% of his waking hours walking around with his face to the ground finding all kinds of critters, Horny Toad, Lizards, Beetles, and..... well I will let you discover for yourself his other findings!
Hope everyone is having a great spring now that the weather is starting to warm up a bit!
Love you all,
Posted by Amy at 9:57 PM 7 comments