Today I received an answer to a silent prayer I have been offering for some time now.
Let me explain. Karl and I have had the feeling for several years now that we should take "Santa" out of Christmas. He has become so commercialized and very few people really stop to think about what he represents. This is sad but obvious. The commercialization of Santa has become a tool that Satan uses to create greed in the hearts of men. It is always amazing too me how Satan takes so many good things and uses them to actually become exactly opposite of what they represent. It's so sad.
This year we decided to go with our feelings and let our children know that we were going to have a Christ Centered Christmas, no Santa. At first they were a little surprised. They were worried that they wouldn't get "lot's of fun stuff" for Christmas. This confirmed my thoughts on Santa creating greed, because my children have never been what I would call greedy. They have never been the type to write a long list of things they want, and their response to Santa when he asked what they wanted for Christmas was always: "I don't care, I know I'll like whatever you bring me."
They are still a bit unsure about Christmas without Santa and I have been also, but I just kept getting this overwhelming feeling that this is what we needed to do. Then today I was reading in my May 2008 Conference Report Ensign and read Sister Lant's talk "Righteous Traditions". I had an overwhelming feeling of peace as I read these words: "The most important traditions are connected with the way we live our lives and will last beyond us as our children's lives are influenced and shaped. What kinds of traditions do we have? Are they what we want them to be? Are they based on actions of righteousness and faith? Are they mostly material in nature, or are they eternal? Are we consciously creating righteous traditions, or is life just happening to us? Are our traditions being created in response to the loud voices of the world, or are they influenced by the still, small voice of the Spirit? Are the traditions that we are creating in our families going to make it easier for our children to follow the living prophets, or will they make it difficult for them?"
As I continued to read my Heavenly Father again spoke peace to my heart through Sister Lant as she said: "Our efforts must be toward hearing the interpretations of the Spirit rather than the understandings of the world."
As she asked this questions towards the end of her beautiful talk: "Will their hearts and lives be full of traditions that make it easy for them to accept and follow the Lord and the latter-day prophets?" my heart was gladdened to know that the Lord approved of what we were doing with our family because we could, in regard to this tradition, shout "YES!"
I'm so thankful for the tender mercy of my Father in Heaven. He, despite His endless work, granted me a knowledge of His acceptance of our actions, and gave me peace in knowing that He approves of us striving to put our Lord and Savior at the head of our Christmas season.
5 years ago
I applaud what you are doing but in the same thought... I don't feel like Santa has been a problem creating greed in our little family and each family has to do what is right for them. I don't think there really is a wrong or a right way for everyone on this issue... we all have to make that choice for ourselves. Our children have been taught the true spirit that he represents so I don't really deem him as a tool of satan in OUR house. I don't know about others. We have giving traditions in our house... our kids can not wait to pick a family to do 12 days for each year. That is one of their very favorite things. But, we also have only EVER given each kid 3 gifts at Christmas... to represent the gifts the Wise men brought to the Savior. We have taught them that this is Christ's birthday... not theirs... on their own birthday they will get more but this holiday is not about them. I think that has kirbed any thought of greed in them.
I am not saying what you are doing is wrong or anything at all like that... just that we all have to make the decision that is best for our own family and even if it's different than ours its still okay. What works for one may not for another.
I have always loved the statue of Santa knelt by the baby Jesus because of the great statement it makes. Santa was meant to represent the giving spirit of Christmas not greed. I think it's all in how we teach it. Nonetheless, I think both of our families have a Christ centered Christmas and that is the MOST IMPORTANT thing, right?
I love you Amy and think you are a wonderful mother.
We have really tried to downplay Santa at our house but all the fun fantasy stuff quickly gets commercialized and I still found myself frazzled and spending more money then we wanted or needed to. Last year I came across a great book called Santa are you for real? It talked about how the tradition got started and that he was a real person but that all the other stuff is just for fun.
My kids better understand now and see that there should be a bit of Santa in each of us. And of course we have always taught about the real reason we celebrate Christmas.
Oh and this year we made a rule that all presents must be made. The kids seem more excited this year then any other. There is no I want this or what about this! I LOVE IT!
I think I came across a little harsh on my post and I apologize for that. I didn't mean to imply that people who have Santa in their house allow greed into it. My point was that in general the world uses Santa as a marketing tool. That the world, or Satan, however you want to view that, has found a way to use something that is suppose to represent giving and service to try and inspire a give me, give me, attitude in children.
This post was mostly suppose to be about the part where I received approval of our decision from Heavenly Father. I was trying to emphasize just that he is mindful of His children and thier concerns. I was a little hesitant to actually follow through with the thing we had been feeling impressed to do but feeling impressed to do it we took the plunge. So after we took the plunge I felt like, because I was a little unsure about it, He was sending me His approval so that I could be at peace with our decision. I think I may have hurried past that Santa story so quickly that I didnt stop to think about how it sounded or how it would come across. We still love Santa. We chose to take Santa out of our Christmas morning not sensor him.
In fact tonight we are just getting back from being with him all day, and on two differnt ocassions. We took pictures of our kids smiling and talking with Santa, oh except for Luke he was screaming!
I quickly apologize for coming across so harsh, I really had not intentions of doing so.
alright Amy!!! I agree with you totally!!! I don't want Santa in my family either. hope my wife don't mind. hehe we do a Birthday cake in our family on Christmas Eve, its a fun thing to do. we all look forward to that cake.
well just wanted to say,
Merry Christmas
With love, nate
Neat Amy! I know that your Christmas will be wonderful and your kids will know what is important. I miss you!
You are always so full of the spirit. I love to hear whatever you have to say.
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